Creation of DIVI library elements shortcodes, displayed in Admin, and use them inside DIVI modules

// Creation of DIVI library elements shortcodes, displayed in Admin, 
// and use them inside a DIVI modules

// create new column in et_pb_layout screen

add_filter( 'manage_et_pb_layout_posts_columns', 'ds_create_shortcode_column', 5 );
add_action( 'manage_et_pb_layout_posts_custom_column', 'ds_shortcode_content', 5, 2 );

// register new shortcode

add_shortcode( 'ds_layout_sc', 'ds_shortcode_mod' );

// New Admin Column

function ds_create_shortcode_column( $columns ) {
  $columns[ 'ds_shortcode_id' ] = 'Module Shortcode';
  return $columns;

//Display Shortcode

function ds_shortcode_content( $column, $id ) {
    if ( 'ds_shortcode_id' == $column ) {
        <p>[ds_layout_sc id="<?php echo $id ?>"]</p>

// Create New Shortcode

function ds_shortcode_mod( $ds_mod_id ) {
  extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'id' => '*' ), $ds_mod_id ) );
  return do_shortcode( '[et_pb_section global_module="' . $id . '"][/et_pb_section]' );

// CC plugin Displaying page title after thumbnail

function custom_ccchildpage_inner_template( $template ) {
  $template = '<div class="ccchildpage {{page_class}}">{{thumbnail}}<h3{{title_class}}>{{title}}</h3>{{meta}}{{excerpt}}{{more}}</div>';
  return $template;
add_filter( 'ccchildpages_inner_template', 'custom_ccchildpage_inner_template' );


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