Usually in article modules like:
- Articles – Categories
- Articles – Category
- Articles – Latest
- Articles – Most Read
- Articles – Newsflash
- Articles – Related
but also on 3rd party modules that show articles, we want to include Custom fields.
Some of them can show the Custom Fields but others need to be hard-coded.
So you can do that by following these 2 steps:
- Add this code at the top before the close ( ?> ) of the “defined( ‘_JEXEC’ )or die;”
use Joomla\ Component\ Fields\ Administrator\ Helper\ FieldsHelper
2. Add this code where you want to display the Custom Fields
$customFields = FieldsHelper::getFields( 'com_content.article', $item, true );
foreach ( $customFields as $customField ) {
$customFields[ $customField->name ] = $customField;
<!-- Label of the field -->
<p><?php echo $customFields['name-of-the-cf']->label; ?></p>
<!-- Value of the field -->
<p><?php echo $customFields['name-of-the-cf']->value; ?></p>
If we want the code to check if the CF exists and then return the label/value here we are :
$customFields = FieldsHelper::getFields( 'com_content.article', $item, true );
foreach ( $customFields as $customField ) {
$customFields[ $customField->name ] = $customField;
if (!empty($customFields['name-of-the-cf']->label)) : ?>
<span class="field-value"><?= $customFields['name-of-the-cf']->label; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
if (!empty($customFields['name-of-the-cf']->value)) : ?>
<span class="field-value"><?= $customFields['name-of-the-cf']->value; ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
It works on both, Joomla 3 and Joomla 4.